How-to Video Series

Opportunity: Break down known barriers in the app building process and increase the app building success rate for beginners.

Solution: Quick Base is an extremely powerful platform with a steep learning curve. Our goal was to introduce first time and beginner users to high level Quick Base concepts at their own pace. We developed Quick Base’s first tutorial video series, a combination of ten short videos.

Timeline: 3 months. Because the first video was used to set the tone for the script, visual styling and conceptual concepts it was definitely the most time consuming of the series. We wanted to make sure we nailed it before moving on.

Role: Persona development, visual design, script writing. There was also a content strategist, animator, and professional voice over assigned to the project.

Biggest challenges: Cross team collaboration was the biggest challenge. We found it imperative to include internal folks from various disciplines that have a constant direct link to customers. They have a strong voice and were able to provide additional input into customer struggles and road blocks that come with the app building process. It took a lot of effort to coral everyone but it definitely paid off in the long run and we were able to craft a much better story.

A minor but mentionable challenge was that after a few of the videos were developed, Quick Base went through a rebranding effort. Quick Base was divested from Intuit (gasp!). Quick Base now stood as its own company and brand which means that we had to go back through the completed videos and edit out any mentions of Intuit. That was fun!



This is a snapshot of some of the story boards directly out of Illustrator. We used this as a tool for visual, animation, and copy to test the concept and script writing. It allowed us to get a feel for where we needed more verbal explanation of a Quick Base concept vs. where we needed to cut copy because the illustration and animation spoke for themselves.

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Platform landing page

The video series is highly prominent on the platform landing page as a way for users to become familiar with basic concepts. This particular view is shown when a user has created a trial account or has been recently added as a new user to an existing account.


Marketing website

The video series is also highlighted on the marketing site within the Video Center.